The Art of Pivoting

Pivoting is an art form. It requires surrender, intuition, grit, honesty, commitment to seeing new perspectives and a deeply open heart. And over this past year, and more intensely these last few month, we have been deeply educated on what it means to pivot, and how, it’s saved us and this movement we love, MOONWELL.

Sometimes we don’t want to pivot because we are committed to what we believe the end result should be: to the goal that we have previously decided we need to achieve. And that, if we were to pivot, it would be perceived as failure. That our efforts and vision and self would be a failure.

And so we don’t pivot. We hold on, pushing forward, sweating, loosing our breath, and our vitality.

Over this last year, we have been called to pivot. Not just once, but over and over and over again. In fact, if you were to have listened to any of the conversations, text and voice messages, you would hear us yelling back and forth to each other…



The truth is, we have had the experience of what it’s like to hold on to things to tightly, to the point of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical injury. We know what it means when you push too hard and what the consequences can be. Learning from our mistakes is such a gift, but it can also be a hard gift to receive. The more we move through life constantly checking in with our intuition, even when it might seem ‘too late,’ has never steered us in the wrong direction. It’s only ever continued to show us what is possible.

We have discovered the deep importance of meeting women where they’re at, on a foundational level. This pivot opened the door to re-imagine our program WITCH in a way that offers accessibility, flexibility and ease, leading us to WITCH SESSIONS.

It also allowed us to re-envision WITCH CAMP. With new land that presented itself and with the ever changing restrictions that leave us with unpredictability, we are re-creating this gathering of re-skilling, ceremony, connection and immersion in the boreal now on Amanda’s expansive land.

As we evolve, so do our projects, visions for the future and what feels truly aligned. We must allow space for the whole self to grow… to pivot. Because what may be perceived as failure to one, is a wild success to another. For us, pivoting has only ever been successful because it has gifted us with working and living in a deeper purpose with what we do, create and offer.

We will continue to yell, PIVOT! to one another, to be guided by forces much bigger than us. Our job is to not get in the way of divine downloads and spiritual aha moments.

Our new offerings, which are making their way to you soon, are aligned, accessible, flexible and filled with purpose: to offer inspired wellness rituals, knowledge, actions and tools that support women on their self healing journey.

Moon Well