Fire Release Ceremony

As we sit in the energy of the final full moon of 2021, now is the time to consider what needs to be released.

Reflection is an important tool to help us explore ourselves, our lives and our experiences. In reflection we gift ourselves the opportunity to sit with what is with curiosity, while considering the lessons learned, new awareness gained as well as what needs to be released so we can move forward with the most aligned insight and intention.

This last full moon, which sits right before winter solstice, the darkest night of the year, opens space for us to explore our inner duality of light and dark: what shadows need to be exposed to the light so we can move forward.


After sitting in reflection, now is the time to release.

Write down what arises for you, what shadows are being seen in the light and what is calling you from within to let go.

Create a fire, whether by candlelight or by bonfire.

Stare deeply into the light, allowing yourself to be mesmerized by the flame and the warmth.

Be in the moment, deeply rooted in your intention, knowing what you’re about to release is true and in alignment.

As you watch the flame burn away your words, stay connected to the light, to yourself and your intention.

And as it finishes burning, say “and so it is.”

Doors to Coven close December 21st

Join us for a year or ceremony, ritual and inner transformation, wrapped in sacred sisterhood.

Moon Well