How to Embody Summer Solstice

To embody is to become. And so this summer solstice, we wanted to share some simple and potent rituals that invite you to embody the beginning of a new season, the longest day of the year and the full potential this day offers in mind, body and spirit.

In essence, summer solstice is a day of celebrating the sun, the magnificence of it’s light and how it’s ray bestow nourishment to all beings on this planet. When we take time to celebrate solstice, we are also honouring our inner cycles and that of mother nature, life on this planet and even fertility; to plant the seeds and watch them grow.

Summer Solstice Rituals

  1. Create a solstice altar by a window with crystals, candles, fresh flowers and essential oils that remind you of summer, light and fresh beginnings.

  2. Spend time in nature whether in the forest or in your garden, regardless of how big or small. Connect to what is sprouting and coming to life and make sure to stop and smell any flowers, opening yourself up to their magic, essence and fragrance.

  3. Gather fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs - whatever speaks to you - to create a vibrant and colourful bowl of nourishment. Living food gives us access to the suns potent rays that was required to help it grow. It also is a way to connect us to our inner potential for expansion.

  4. Ground yourself in the expansion of the sun, leaning into the duality of feeling both grounded and expansive. Walk in your bare feet, get your hands in the dirt and lie in the grass.

  5. Create a fire: allow yourself to be captivated by the flames (which are a symbol for solstice), drink something refreshing like tea from newly harvested herbs, write your intentions on paper and allow the fire to burn them, releasing them to the sun, the moon and the sky.

  6. Stay up late, throw your bed time routine away and be with the light - sing, dance and be with loved ones.

Head to our Market Place for ritual tools curated to support solstice and moon ceremonies.

Moon Well