Honouring Your Inner Winter

All seasons hold medicine. They teach us how to flow with mother nature and offer us insights into what we need through nourishment, energy and care. Our body deeply connects to the rise and fall of temperature, letting us know when it’s time to be expansive and when it’s time to turn inward.

As women, we feel the shifts in season viscerally as the calling can be loud. The challenge is whether or not we listen to what we feel. Tuning into the seasons and to nature is similar work as it is tuning into the body.

Cultivating curiosity to





Mother Nature is deeply in tune with her needs and when we practice attuning to her, we become more deeply connected to ourselves, our inner seasons as well as that of the external seasons.

This connection builds trust with our intuition, which often directs us exactly where we need to be, nourishing how we need to nourish and expelling energy in alignment with what we are capable. Honouring our inner winter and connecting to this potent season, gives us a chance to reset, restore and reflect.

Here in the north, we often yearn for warmer weather. However, by yearning for what isn’t, disconnects us from the medicine of the present moment and from the gifts of the seasons which displaces our energy and keeps us disconnected. When we surrender to the moment, to the rhythm and cycles of mother nature, we connect and we heal.

And so, we invite you to connect to the medicine of this season, to the darkness, to the slow and quiet hygge vibes. And be in wonderment as you notice your inner rhythms shift.

As we enter the season of Yule and prepare for Solstice, we have a new restorative offering coming to you tomorrow, December 9th, with rituals, nourishment, spells and ceremony. Keep watch in our Market Place for more details.

Moon Well